Polacy nad Nilem, seasons 2012-2013

The conference, presenting the results of Polish archaeological research along the Nile valley will take place in the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, from 17th till 19th June 2013.

The event is organized regularly by the Department of Egyptian and Nubian Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology UW in cooperation with the PCMA. Conference presentations are intended as detailed and up-to-date reports on research conducted by PCMA teams. Featured sites include Tell el-Farkha, Tell el-Murra, Dakhleh Oasis, Saqqara, Tell el-Retaba, Marina el-Alamein, Berenike, Marea, Naqlun, Sheikh Abd el-Gurna in Egypt and Khor Shambat 1, el-Zuma (MtoM program), Dongola, Banganarti and Selib in Sudan.

Conference program to be found at:

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